| - This is located outside in the Linq shopping promenade. It is not inside the hotel casino just FYI. You walk in and get in line, the line was short for us today which was great. There is a video machine on the wall that you can play with while you wait, it was so fun as you can see the video you made and then you click [send] and enter an email and off it goes. That in itself made the trip almost worth it LOL I love that little video machine we made three videos and it was our turn to order. My friend and I both ordered Fish and Chips and that was $16 each. It was fun going down the assembly line watching the guys make the food and the little setup it comes out in is the perfect little box of goodies. The fish is white and light and was tasty. The batter on the outside sort of tasted a tad sweet to me, kind of like a pancake batter. It came with three pieces of fish and fries. They have three kinds of "dirty" fries you can choose from, I chose the cacciatore spice w/fresh basil fries. They were tasty. My friend ordered fries with sea salt they were your basic fries. The food was good, one bummer was as busy as they were, they should know they need someone in the diner at all times cleaning up stuff. I am sorry to say the visitors that were leaving while we were there were not cleaning up after themselves. Is there some country where you just get up and leave your garbage on the table and walk out? Because wherever that is, that is where these visitors were from. I was shocked that the guy next to us took the box and threw it away but left his empty drink and napkins on the table - I was like deer in headlights as he just walked out the door. So it was a bummer when we found a spot at a barstool type bar facing the wall that there was trash askew that we had to clean up in order to sit down with our food. That was a bummer. Half way through my meal I had to get up and go let the manager know, the gal behind the register told me the manager was the chef - so he came over and I let him know there was trash on the floor, trash on the tables, trash next to me where I am eating because some I had to push away rather than handle it and worse of all - the trash can itself was over flowing. Ugh right? I was trying to make it through my meal without complaining because the food was good, but I couldn't do it. So I told him and he acted so surprised! "There is trash on the floor?!!!?!" I was like .. uh yeah! So he and another gal came out and began wiping down tables, and cleaning up the diner. It lets me down when a place has great food and is dirty, all the hard work put into the food is kind of worthless if the dining room is a mess. I could just imagine Gordon walking into this place with his name on it and the trash visibly over flowing out of the can. In this case, the great food outweighed the mess and I enjoyed my visit, and I hope those that work there learn, in a busy Vegas establishment you got to have someone working the dining room at all times. Or at least, set a timer for every 15 minutes. Loved the fish xo