| - I've been to a sports bar or two in my time, and this one really blows. Or maybe we just had really bad seats. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's just about impossible to enjoy the game(s) that are going on.
When I want to catch some games, I'd like to be able to take them in. I totally get that you're going to get cross-talk from different games, and that's okay - but at this location, it's so bad that you can't hear anything.
Some of the best places I've seen will give you a speaker on your table where you can tune in the game you want to hear. Or if there's a game that's really big, they turn that one on. At BW3, they just turn them all on full-blast (or so it seems), and you can't hear anything - or perhaps you hear everything.
The food is good, and you get a choice of all sorts of sauces on your wings (which makes it difficult - how do you choose which one?). The service is pretty good too. But you can get wings anywhere, so it's nothing particularly special. You really have to want to sit through the cacophony in order to eat them, though.