What a joke. The guy may sound a little bit like Elvis, but he doesn't look like him, despite several plastic surgeries to achieve the look. His dancing and pelvis swinging are mediocre at best. His trophy wife adds little to the show. Mostly she just dances around aimlessly to some of the Elvis films/tracks. Cmon Trent, Elvis is a one man show who relied on his showmanship, good looks and singing talent to carry the show. Obviously he doesn't have any of that, so he has to use his showgirl wife in the act. To top it off, my husband and I greeted Trent after the show. I couldn't believe his unprofessionalism and racist attitude. Both of us are from India originally. When my husband said hi to Trent, he had the nerve to tell him that "he'd see him later at the local 7-11." Wow Trent, maybe you should look at hiring a new public relations team..obviously your current one thinks it's ok to act like Archie Bunker with such a bigoted attitude. I want the hard earned money I spent on the show back..it's better put to use at a local 7-11!