| - I have to admit, I don't know much about art. You can put a Monet in front of me and I'll be thinking what kind of food I can make with those water lilies. You can show me "the scream" and I'll think what must have that person seen that made him/her scream like that? Perhaps, one of the hot strippers in Montreal? If it does not relate to health care in anyway, I have no idea what is going on. That is why I got myself an artsy partner.
Anyway, getting to the review... this is one museum that I've enjoyed a lot. Lots of Renaissance art. My man, who is an art history major, and had art galleries before, was thoroughly impressed. He usually jets in and out of museums but he stayed for a good 2 hours looking at stuff. Now, that is a record. This is a man who did the Field Museum (Chicago) in 20 mins, and Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC) in 4 hours. I took 2 days to see the Met.
That's gotta mean something. I mean, I have to tie a ball and chain to stop him from leaving me in museums. I like to read every sign and take my own time. At this museum, he stayed till I was done with reading all the signs. That alone gets 5 stars in my book.
There is a great cafe downstairs for having a light lunch.