There's nothing wrong with this Marshall's. Everything was pretty well laid out with sections for shoes, men's, women's, kid's and housewares. Why anyone would buy a toaster from Marshall's, I do not know.
But the clothing seemed to be well organized and everything that I pulled off the rack to try on (I need a new pair of Dockers for work) was tagged properly with size tags that matched. Even better, I managed to spot a nice bargain that was only $12. Well done!
The dressing rooms are clearly slanted towards women shoppers with only one stall for men. Most dudes don't try on stuff, I suppose.
Paying for the merchandise was a pleasant experience but only because I caught the line when there was no one else there. I've shopped other Marshall's before when I had to wait more than fifteen minutes to pay. Not so today. Good work and for that, a fourth star!