| - BevNoMo!
I went to Total Wine on a Saturday. I had no intention of buying anything. I came to drink--- for free! I'm a girl, I should never have to buy myself a drink and at Total Wine, I don't have to because they give you beer and wine samples inside the store!
Now I can have all the beer and wine I want without pretending like I'm interested in going home with anyone. You don't have to get dressed up either, ladies. Leave the push up bra and fake eyelashes at home, you won't need them here.
Aside from the great freebies, this place is cheaper than BevMo and has more to choose from. It is neatly organized by type of alcohol and I want to say that they use the Dewey decimal system but I'm not sure, I was kind of drunk.
I did end up buying some things and because I'm so well preserved, they naturally carded me. But then the manager was called and I thought OMG, they are going to tell me I can't drive home because of how much of the free booze I had. But the manager was only called over to check my ID as well, I guess if you look like you just entered puberty, there is a two-tiered ID checking procedure.
By the way, I'm a responsible drinker... I let my brother drive us home since he didn't have any to drink. So Total Wine is the Total Shit.