I've always been flying with Hawaiian airlines ever since I'm able to go by myself like 8 years ago when I turned 18. Always going to Vegas once a year or even twice a year sometimes going to San Francisco or LA. Flying first class or extra comfort. Don't like coach at all since it's kinda tight squeeze.
Anyways, just came back from Vegas flying first class yesterday and of course first time ever one of my luggage got delayed since it didn't get on my flight. Literally I was freaking out since it has my goodies from trader joes. Went to the baggage services and filed a claim and literally the lady said oh did u have something unnecessary in your bag that you shouldn't have? I looked at her and raised one of my eyebrow and said why would I have anything unnecessary to bring in from Vegas. "It's just trader joes goodies for my family and I and also my clothing and laughed oh and my dirty underwears. She laughed and said ur funny. Thinking to myself "I understand for any concern that this airlines has but don't ask that stupid question to me" I ain't stupid to do anything to get arrested!!! I have a life and goals to meet.
Anyways my luggage got into the red eye flight and since I was in first class they delivered it to my house. One thing I noticed was masking taped wrapped around my bag and my "TSA APPROVED LOCK" still locked. Unraveled the masking tape and found my bag easy opened which means they broke the zipper of my bag.
Thinking to myself, hmmmm I have a TSA approved lock and they don't have the master key? RIDICULOUS AND STUPIDITY to the TSA people!!! Why try to force open my bag and breaking it instead of just cutting my lock which I don't mind cause it's cheaper than buying a whole new bag!!!
Read the letter from TSA that was in my bag saying "TSA sincerely regrets having to do this, however TSA is not liable for damage to your locks resulting from this necessary security precaution."
Ummmmm my lock wasn't damage, my zipper of my bag was, u idiots!!!! Next time send the right letter and just break the lock not my bag!!!
All in all not too satisfied with the TSA hence the worker asking a stupid question also.
Anyways y'all should be happy that I can fix my zipper of my bag that took me 5 mins. Not satisfied since it was a first for me. But glad nothing was stolen.
But one question to the people at TSA, why break my zipper of my bag when my lock was TSA approved? Y'all don't have the master key? Or y'all just lazy to find the key. Next time take the time to find it. Y'all had 12 hours to do ur job but it seems y'all weren't doing it!!!
I gave at least 2 stars since my flight was pleasant while up in the air. It would of been 5 but y'all just like to break things open even tho y'all should have the master key for it. What are the TSA approved locks for if y'all just wanna break zippers of the bag? SMH. Shame on y'all!!!