Chandler Boulevard Waffle House employees smoking ?? in front of the store...! I'm a regular at my neighborhood Waffle House, so I am used to walking through clouds of cigarette smoke to get to the front door, the rowdy after hours crowds, the waitresses screaming orders at the cooks, it's all part of the charm. But the Chandler Boulevard store is out of control. We arrived at about 10:30 PM, April 14, after attending the nearby races. We walked up on two uniformed male employees smoking within about 10 feet of the entrance. It was obvious they weren't smoking cigarettes. I said sarcastically "gee what's that smell". One of them handed the ?? back to the other and quickly turned and headed into the store exhaling slowly as he was leaving, trying not to be too obvious. The other one loudly proclaimed "it's medicine I've got a card". I replied "really waffle house lets you medicate at work and you can share your medicine with your buddy? Upon entering the store we noticed about 15 rowdy high school kids bouncing off the walls, with no employees actually working. The place was a disaster, all the tables were full of dirty dishes. We turned and left and went to Cracker Barrel across the parking lot. Had a nice late night breakfast.
I am a big fan of Waffle House but what happened here? Where is management?