It's not fancy. But when it's 12/24 and you are running low on stocking stuffers, this is the place to be. Before they opened I would run to that fiasco of a Marshalls on 20th & Camelback (Parking hell!). I'm happy Burlington is in Arcadia now because they have a full stock of the different sorts of Jelly Bellys and whatever odd-sort candies and jerky I like to stuff stockings with. This year, I bought a bag of bacon jerky. It was kinda gross, but it was definitely worth trying. I also ended up with a beautiful wool coat, some dress shirts for the hubby and my dad, and a few cute knickknacks for mom. The cashier was super nice too. I love that I didn't have to spend 40 minutes looking for a parking spot, I ran in and ran back out within 30 minutes. That's efficient shopping!