I've always wanted to go here it looks so cool and different. So my friend and I went today sat outside it was a while before anyone helps us and when someone did we order out drinks and he ask for my Id so I gave it to him as he bent my iD I asked him what he's doing he said its fake I said no its not I'm about to be 23 so I pull out my passport id (I carry it everywhere with me) and gave him that. And he started bending that one as well and said its fake. I'm was getting upset. And said no its not as he rudely cut me off and said " were strict down here" I said really I've been down on mill before and never had a problem. (Even when I was under age and had a fake ID.) so we said never mind we don't want to drink as he said good because I can't serve you. So we start to order I ask for a salad no radish he said what no radish I said yes and my friend said he wanted a burger with Fry's as the guys rudely rolled his eyes and said we don't have Fry's. so we got up and left!! I'm never going back there again!!!