Holy moly-Cathy's Good! I just finished my facial and wax for my hoo-ha.
Anyways, since moving to Henderson my skin has been ALL over the place like super dry but still blackheads. All sorts of funk. Well, after leaving Cathy I now have my youth back, and a clear face!
Here's what I liked
1. Clean! Her room and tools were well maintained.
2. Her price. $65 for a 60 min euro facial. Most want 65 for a 50 min facial! I actually got the hydrating facial but listed that price because most people can compare euro facials from salon to salon since they essentially do they same thing. Hydrating facial came with what felt like 5 masks, amazing smelling towels, massage, tons of extractions and lotions!
3. Waxing-she's fast and efficient. Any pain stems from me not maintaining my wax :(
Well, found my new esthetician. I highly, highly recommend her!