So it was my 1st visit to Browns social house
And I must say , I really enjoyed my visit !
Great atmosphere kinda dark but great mood lighting . Great bar top tables and even booths
the back wall with the stones and liquor sign
Reminded myself and my buddy of one of our favorite movies . Kinda 70s look with the stone and brown wooden tables ...very chique ...
Anyways other then the decor ...
The food from what we had which was
A Burger , A Pizza , ribs and wings were all great
The wings tasted Great but we're pretty small
The waitress said they were hormone free ...
I guess I like my chickens on Steroids cause I like em big and juicy .
Although they were small they were still delicious
So i can't really complain .
All in all ....
Great place Great food and I'd definitely be back !