Woohoo! Vegas, baby!
Say what you will about Las Vegas (or not say if you're following the Vegas code of silence), but Vegas has always been fun for me. For anyone who does not gamble (that would be me), Vegas has but 1 raison d'ĂȘtre: fun tourist destination.
& Vegas pulls it off. I always have a blast without ever putting a single chip into play at any casino. Even minus the gambling, there's always more fun to be had here than I have the time to get around to.
Paradoxically, my own key to keeping Vegas fun in the presence of so much glorious excess has been moderation. I don't go to Vegas too often & I don't get too stupid crazy when I'm there. I stay out of jail. I don't get tattoos I'll regret. I don't get married. I don't wake up in places I never would've fallen asleep at sober.
So even without gambling & without all the "Hangover" scenarios, Vegas is still fun. That's pretty cool. It's Vegas, baby & I'm a fan.