I don't understand how they allow their cashiers to act like this. My boyfriend and I went in there to purchase chocolate for his grandmother. As we were walking up to the register, the cashier walked off to the side to slowly take a drink of her soda, then slowly walked up to the counter to check us out. We didn't even get a greeting. My boyfriend had to initiate a conversation by saying "How are you doing?" And she said "Oh I'm doing good" and that was it. No, "How about yourself?" Nothing! She slowly proceeded to check us out while quietly talking to another employee that was standing around doing nothing. She finished checking us out and handed us our receipt while STILL speaking to the employee about personal business, not work related. We didn't even get a "Have a nice day!" Not a smile or anything. Never going there again! If you hate your job, either go somewhere else or suck it up and deal with it, don't take it out on your customers.. And the worst part was that she was an older lady! I would expect this from a teenager, but not a middle aged women!