I was contacted by a woman from Ganley shortly after emailing them and scheduled a test drive. When I arrived at the dealership, I was informed that the woman did not work at that location and had not contacted them with regards to my interest in the car. Thankfully, I was helped by Sandy who was amazingly courteous and addressed me directly. Unfortunately, when I returned to finish the paperwork I was greeted by several other sales members, who were not interested in talking to me, and when I finally did get their attention they asked me who my parents were talking to about the car, and said "I was lucky to have them buying me a car". I am a 20 year old women and have worked my ass off to save up for this car, and was really offended to be treated like an idiot child by these salesmen. To make matters worse the attitude other women seemed to be getting in the dealership was even more disrespectful and belittling. Thankfully, Sandy redeemed them when he once more arrived.
Basically, if you are young, a woman, or both expect to be treated like a child, insulted or ignored (unless you are lucky and get Sandy), regardless of your existing knowledge of cars. And watchout, because while ignoring you they like to throw a football around the show room.