I finally tried Bikram yoga and WOW!!
There are people of all levels, abilities, shapes and sizes in the class so everyone is welcome to attend.
For newbies there is a table right as you walk in the entrance with registration forms to complete. Payment was processed by the staff quickly considering the crowd of people there. They have an introductory special of $39 for 2 weeks unlimited. (also includes towel and mat rentals) this is a great deal considering one drop in class is about $20.
The women's change room is pretty small considering women are the majority of the clientele.
Get into the studio quickly to get your spot before class starts, especially on weekends.
The instructors are great and cater to all levels. They push people of all abilities to give each posture all their effort.
The class is 90 minutes and leaves you feeling energized and relaxed all at the same time.
Hydrate after class and go again soon to get the most out of it!!!