So. Your in Toronto and you want to go for an adventure. Culinary delights are your thing and then boom you pull up yelp and look at some places. Hmmm the walk to Black Hoof isn't too bad. Boom. You have just entered a culinary masterpiece.
We had the charcuterie. It was amazing. Followed that with the bone marrow. My dog is currently at this second still chewing on the bone. If it wasn't considered indecent I would probably be down on the floor with her.
For the rest we went with pork carnitas (safest choice on the menu) as my love not as adventurous as I. They we're the best resto tacos I have had.
Final course. Foie gras waffles. Enough said. This was an amazing meal and we can't wait to get back and try more. Also. Drinks are amazing and plenty boozy as you can tell by my typing. :)