Shoddy work and the customer is never right.
I went in to get Dura Ace polymer cabling installed. They did the work and threw away the sleeve that keeps the cable from rubbing the carbon fiber frame where the front derailleur cable exits the frame (as pictured) due to the very minimal chance that the cable would create friction with the sleeve or sheath. When I returned to question about the cable cutting into the frame, they were adamant that it was right. Cable cutting into the frame is right?!?! I went to Stevebay on Facebook and all agreed this was not right. I'd rather risk a very negligible amount of friction versus damage to my carbon frame. The way they approach telling you you are wrong is not the way a customer should be treated. They gang up on you and eventually have two or three people telling you that you don't know what you're talking about. I'll give them some credit as they do this all day, everyday, but not once did I hear, "this is not how we do it, but since you want it this way, we will do it."
The best part is when the short Oompa Loompa came out with product to prove that I was wrong.
Maybe the cable cutting into the frame is their preference over mine, but I still think it's wrong among other things like not accommodating the customer and doing it with an arrogant display.
I will no longer drive a long distance and think that just because I'm going to a Pinarello dealer that I'm going to have things done right on a Pinarello bike.
Oh yeah, I haven't even mentioned the terrible handlebar wrap job and the incompetence in cable management.
An update: upon taking my bike to another bike shop, the chain that Bicycle Haus installed was too loose. Just another problem that was found with their work.
Use your discretion when using this shop
Updated photo uploaded showing correct install of cable by other more competent bike shop: