Being the last appointment of the day of November 10, after struggling with a vomiting child all day long and finally getting him to sleep, I was informed that it was too late to cancel and I would be charged a $25 fee. Excuse me? After being a patient for 12 years, and none too happy with Dr. Mendoza's referrals, I asked the clerk if she wanted me to drag him in sick? Of course, she said the charge still sticks. This office has gone way downhill. And don't even get me started on the lady doctor who fills in with the sourest attitude I have ever encountered. God forbid you should ask her a question, she might storm out of the room cussing. Very glad my grandson is almost past the age requiring a pediatrician's care; and if I'm wrong, I am certainly not returning with so many other good choices available to us now. This office inherited most of its clientele after the original doctor passed and it's been a drudgery ever since. Find someone better. You might have to wait a bit longer but you'll be much happier with the outcome and the type of people you have to deal with. I have no knowledge of any other office than the one on Durango in Centennial.
K. Remakel