Looking for a change in pace from your normal workout at the gym? Here is one that focuses on the toning, posture and strength. As a first timer I bought a 5 time pass and started with two Reformer 1 class to learn the right forms of Pilates exercise. Form is always important for getting the right workout and gaining results. And because I really wanted to get a variety of classes I took the chair/reformer class for my next two classes in which they switch between the chair class and halfway switch to reformer and vice versa. At first with Reformer 1 you will feel like it's a very light workout but when you do the chair and Reformer combo you really feel the workout the next day. Instructors Luann, Erin, and Mae were all great and focused on helping you with form.
What's great about this class is that it's a 1:3 ratio, one instructor and three students. So this is why the instructors give much attention to form. All equipment is washed down after use with washcloth and a natural mint smelling spray.