Ok... i dont write reviews but this was a must. the supervisor i dont know her name is a horrible person. I dont think she really cares about if the animals have a home or not. I adopted a siamese from them a year ago... they have u sign a contract. The contract i signed said i was adopting a spayed cat. Well she wasnt... the first ladies i spoke to were great n said u cannot tell without surgery if the procedure was done or not. (Probably why there is a clause saying you wont let the cat outside. They know its of their nature) if a cat is happy it wont stray in my opinion. They were about to handle the situation and i offered to foster until they had homes.. . When we first adopted her she meowed day n night n finally i couldnt withhold her anymore i felt it was wrong. so i let her outside. She never went far and always returned. Long story short she had three babies. But because i have a heart and a life we let her raise the babies took care of them and waited a lil longer because it was so hot outside before we brought them down to neuter and spay them. This supervisor said she had to question my care taking of them because i let her go outside and also tried to throw it in my face i signed a contract saying i wouldnt but she failed to realize is that contract also stated i was adopting a spay female cat. (I did call but low n behold noone ever answers a phone there) she said i dont think we should readopt them to you after we spay/neuter them (relinquish n readopt is the process when things like this happen)because u let her outside. GOOD JOB LADY... my daughter left there in tears, and i feel absolutely horrible for mama kitty "koko " was what we named her. she took so long to adapt to her new surroundings she had been through alot before and she was in a good home but now shes in that dreary place feeling abandoned yet once again. All because of that horrible women.