| - The Schnitzelmann hates what he must do here because he really believes in supporting unique places, especially one of only two authentic German restaurants in town. But if he is honest, 2 stars is about what the place is worth after deductions for the following:
One star must be deducted because of the exaggerated prices, which have risen regularly since the restaurant opened. Authentic ethnic cuisine can be had - even imported items - for lower prices than this at other off-Strip restaurants. The Schnitzelmann suspects that the Hofbräuhaus is mercilessly targeting one-time tourists, ignoring locals and practicing monopoly-driven price inflation such that if in Germany, the Bundesbank would immediately intervene.
Another star must be deducted for the noise level, particularly evenings. The Schnitzelmann has been to the original Hofbräuhaus in München and can verify the music in Las Vegas is authentic, but significantly louder than in the Old Country. It is near-impossible to have any sort of dinner conversation with bands imported from Deutschland playing "Hang on Sloopy," "Country Roads" and other obscure hits amplified to ensure maximum volume.
A final star must be deducted for the service. The Schnitzelmann has known several of the waitresses personally and agrees they are of the finest personality away from the restaurant. Inside, though, the management seems to dictate that most wait staff push the more expensive items, rush customers out the door if they have not bought food or drink within a given amount of time, and be somewhat inflexible as regards splitting the bill. Always? No. But too regularly to ignore.
So we are left with two stars. One is for the high-quality food- all the items that can be are imported from Germany, including the fine beers on tap, and the Schnitzelmann has never had a bad schnitzel, wurst plate or even salad here. The two potato salads on offer are also quite good and the Kaiserschmarrn dessert is made just as in Mad King Ludwig of Bavaria's day.
One star is granted for the party-hearty atmosphere. The Schnitzelmann celebrated his bachelor party here and the long benches and tables and free-flowing beer made it easy to make new friends and revel in the waitresses spanking customers who request it. The same atmosphere (minus spankings) can be had during World Cup and European Cup Fussball matches, which are televised live and to which many knowledgeable and enthusiastic German fans come.
But as regularly as Schnitzelmann comes here, there is always a sense afterwards he could have spent his time and money better elsewhere and that were he not such a fan of German culture and were there other German places in town, he would be at the Hofbräuhaus considerably less often.