When I was a few years younger I went to this doctor for my acne problems. I will admit... He did clear up my acne but I will also agree with all the other reviews. HE'S EPHING WEIRD! I just felt super uncomfortable around him and I did not like the way he would touch me. It wasn't so much as in inappropriate areas but it was still too "touchy". And I have no idea why the blinds would be wide open for the world to see you inside a doctors office. Besides my acne, I did have other issues that a person would go to a dermatologist for... and he was no help with those. I'm glad to see other peoples review on this doctor... it confirms that I wasn't crazy. The only thing I really care to know is what he used on my face to help clear the acne. It was like some cotton thing dipped into some solution that looked like dry ice or something. I do not care to EVER go back into his office to find out though. The guy creeps me out thinking about it now.