I am ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED with your driver JAMES CANNING who picked me up and dropped me off 12-29 7:54-8:09pm. First of all, he had like NO personality when I got in the cab. Never one smile or thank you the whole time. STRIKE 1. When I went to pay him on his credit card machine, it kept saying my card was malfunctioning despite the fact it worked FINE on EVERY other machine before and after. So after it failed to pay I asked if he would take me to a nearby ATM machine to pay him and he began huffing and puffing until a friend of mine intervened and paid. STRIKE 2: Bad Service Then my friend who he took to his next destination tells me later that this driver badmouthed me, my situation, and my decisions about what we were doing for a vacation. I didn't talk about things in his cab with my friend just to have those things THROWN BACK IN MY FACE later by a driver who can't mind his own business STRIKE 3: Don't EVER interfere in your PAYING customer's PERSONAL LIVES!!!! I DEMAND you talk to and discipline this driver and get in touch with me. U N A C C E P T A B L E ! ! !