Much like Chinese restaurants in the past ten years, Chinese supermarkets appear to be making the change from cheap and dirty to somewhat-less-cheap and clean. It's a good middle between the incredibly cheap but kind of filthy Asian market and the cleaner but pricier Canadian market. I live firmly in this niche.
This place has everything you might want: a good selection of Asian and Canadian produce, including organic options(!), a fresh seafood section, Halal and non-Halal meat counters, a Chinese bakery, takeout section and general grocery section which had an organic aisle featuring a $10 bag of quinoa.
I purchased some meat from the Halal section, since I'm kind of disturbed by the conventional meat industry right now. The guy gave me some recommendations based on freshness, which was very nice.
I was able to get most everything on my list at a decent price (No Frills level pricing) except for quinoa (again, $10?!). This is particularly useful for me since I tend to split up my shopping between No Frills and Asian markets in order to get the best bang for my buck.
This place is pretty close to my parents' and it's open to midnight, which means that they'll definitely be seeing me again.