| - Ugh, too much pizza! My wife and I were eating leftover pizza for two days after we decided to try the Beast pizza challenge here during the UYE. As you may have gathered from other reviews, we were among 4 yelp teams who made the attempt that evening. All of which were doomed to complete and utter failure. That being said, we had fun and enjoyed the pizza immensely, so it was most certainly not a waste.
Now, about the pizza itself... 10lbs total weight currently (I say currently because it USED to be 8 lbs) with 2.4 lbs of dough, 1.5 lbs of sauce, and 2 lbs of cheese, meat, and vegetable toppings respectably. We got just the regular pizza with everything on it, though substitutions are allowed! I wish I had known this from the get-go as I would have gotten rid of the olives in exchange for more pineapple! Blech.. olives... lol. Despite the olives the pizza was VERY tasty, the dough was thick and a good texture, the sauce was yummy, and the toppings were just delicious. One of the better pizzas we have had in awhile I would say. It is by no means a gourmet pizza though, you should expect a huge mess when trying to eat this pizza! For one thing, all the toppings are just piled onto it so that when you take a bite you will likely lose a few if you aren't careful (not to mention you need to watch that sauce! Don't come wearing clothes you'd feel bad about staining ^_-). Also, the pizza is cut into squares, so the slices in the middle will NOT have a crust edge to grip... extra mess right there! The pieces were so thick that the plastic pizza serving utensils they gave us were bending under the weight! My wife and I just barely managed to eat through half the pizza and we were full for the rest of the evening. I heard similar stories from the other yelpers doing the challenge.
This challenge just isn't realistic for your everyday eater. 10 lbs is just too BIG! And they expect you to finish within 45 minutes!! The challenge prior to this was 8 lbs, but you also had a full hour to complete it as well. At least then you had a fighting chance. To date they have only had one duo actually finish this challenge which honestly should have been a warning sign for the rest of us. Still, would I do this again? Maybe, but next time, no olives...