| - Scott the owner is awesome! I broke down 25 miles outside of town in early April on my way to a convention. This was a Saturday when this happened, I got my van in the gate and left it. I was sooo busy with the convention I forgot to call on Monday, called on Tuesday, and spoke with Scott, he had already done an assessment of the problem and recommended I check to see if it was under warranty from the other Aamco center in So Cal, well it was not. I was 3 weeks from moving to Vegas, explained to Scott that I would have it towed out and will bring it back when I had the money. He told me not to worry about it, I could leave the van there, he would not charge me for storage fees. It took me 5 weeks before I could get him any money. He fixed the van with in a week of me giving him $1500.00, with a total bill of $2250.00 he worked with me, I got my van back and am making the last two payment over the coming weeks. This is what I call Awesome service. I would recommend for anyone to go see them, they do all auto repair except tires. Thanks Scott!