| - A cool October day, the Arizona State Fair and three of my fav gals in the world: Sister, SO and 14 YO Daughter. Life does not get much better.
Add to that the once a year Fair Food adventure and wow... carb and fat overload - I was in heaven.
We started with the sky-ride from near the North Entrance to the middle of kiddie land. Taking in the smells, the energy and sights of the fair was fun and one of the two rides we took all day.
We went to the fair around lunch time because we WANTED fair food, so the next stop was the food fairway over by the exhibit halls. On the way we found fresh squeezed lemon ade - and I mean fresh; the guy squeezed lemons into the cup, added filtered water amd sugar and poof - a delicious and refreshing drink.
When we got to the food fairway,one of us went to get a corn-dog, another an Indian Taco and the third went to PiggyWiggly mound o' fries. We sat in the shade of one of those monster umbrellas and shared the orders between us - yum... once a year kinda' yum ya' know.
A carbo-laden walk of the exhibits and then a Fried Twinkie - been seeing them, hearing about them - never had one until then. The powdered sugar was not dusted on it, it was like a spoonful dropped on it. Chocolate syrup to dip and OMG - decadent choco, sweet, fried goodness with a creamy melted filling. So glad three of us shared it!
Wandered down to the Hi-Miler roller coaster and we took turns so one of us could watch hats, bags and purses while the others rode. After two rides each, we were feeling appropriately tossed around in a little metal car on rails.
The sun was getting a little hot, so we went looking for cool air inthe Aggie exhibits where we discovered sheep (baaa...) and Mama's heloing kids with Llama in one of the show arenas - with chairs to rest a bit in. I twitpic'd an image of the Mama's and Llama's, but Twitpic is not handling my images properly these days... working on it.
The rest of the time at the fair was devouring one of the specials we came across when I wanted a bag of popcorn and Sister wanted a caramel apple - we saw a three for $10 option that let us add cotton candy to the mix and then we were feeling complete on fair food in our adventure.
No skeeball this year or water gun races to pop a balloon - just lots of food not on my diet, time with loved ones and meandering amongst the medium to light crowds of Sunday morning.