I happened to know that this address is the main store of a group who owns several locations throughout Las Vegas. I had done my business at the Cricket store on Charleston and Lamb.
Upon entering the store, I was there for the sole purpose of paying my bill. But at the counter I was told about changes made at Cricket and that my old phone service was to be shut down as of March 1st. What I needed to do, explained the sales person, was to get in to the "New" Cricket by buying a new phone. Apparently, the coming change involved a change of technology. I was not happy, to say the least. Though I was upset and feeling short ended, the big burly sales guy put me at ease explaining a promotion that made my day. Long story short, both he and the younger "Chief", as referred to by my sales guy. They made me laugh while i waited as they moved all my numbers and pictures into my new phone. I had a great experience. And, I love my new phone. Thank you.