I hate you. Really hate you. I hate you even more because I have to pass by you every day to get to the grocery store.
I hate you so much I make sure to flip you off everytime I pass by you.
I hate you because I love mexican food and instead of you being Rosa's you're Macayo's.
Why can't you be more like Rosa's? Why do you have to so close to me? Why must your fugly parrot be so obnoxiously bright at night, a welcoming beacon of mexican food for unsuspecting first timers?
You lured me in. Made me think you could have been authentic; the real thing.
You're not.
Dross. That's what you are. Dross...yet people still like going to you.
May you burn in hell for trying to pass off that slop that I ordered as a chimichanga.
I hate you.
No, I'm not kidding - I really hate you.