Reviewing a franchise is usually a dead waste of time. Unless said restaurant sucks so tremendously that you feel it is your citizen's duty to advise people away.
We NEEDED a drink on a patio that day and not willing to drive midtown for one we settled on this particular Moxie's...
The pros (listed only because I like to be generous):
GREAT LOOKING PATIO! Nice tables, roomy, ample heat lamps, partially enclosed with glass to stop the wind from blowing your food away, generally the kind of patio that dream patios are made of.
Oh the food...We ordered BBQ pork ribs and fries and a couple of pints of beer. Fries were edible, ribs not so much. They were boiled and slathered with what tasted like bottled NO NAME BBQ sauce of the cheapest variety. Also not really even heated on a grill, I know what BBQ meat tastes like and that wasn't it. To add to this disappointing meal, the draft beer was FLAT and there were some mysterious particles floating around in my glass.
I had to get a bottled beer after numerous failed attempts at clean glassware. Napkins were WELL used and fairly gross looking.
The staff had good attitude though and they tried to make the best of the situation. The only other thing that was a turn off was the fact that all the waitresses were extremely inappropriately dressed.
Although faced with the severity of the other problems this establishment had it didn't seem to matter quite as much. But really though, waitresses were wearing tights *cringe* or short skirts and very showy tops. Had I wanted to see female parts on display I would have headed to a different sort of establishment. Where the ladies do fun things, like twirl around a pole...