these guys get no stars. They are well known dirt bags and famous in my neck of the woods for near criminal behavior. if you are unlucky enough to live somewhere outside of madison in the sticks where they have a monopoly, you can expect extra bad treatment. possibly due to the frequency of their bad conduct, and he anger of the customers they have betrayed,the people at their office are especially defensive and rude. In my case they tried to make me pay for months of service I never received from them and then sent me to collections even though in my initial contact with them about the billed service they admitted that they knew I had received no service during the months they billed me for. If you get this service expect rudeness, frequent service interruptions and incompetent service personal (to save wire they actually buried my cable right through the middle of my vegetable garden and also drilled unsightly holes in stupid places on my 160 year restored greek revival house). Do not expect apologies, admissions of mistakes or compromise much less fairness.