I don't often visit a chain coffee shop, but when I do, one of my favorites is Coffee Bean and I'll tell you why.
Powdered Vanilla and Crushed Ice.
If you didn't already know, they used powdered vanilla here. They also use powdered chocolate, white chocolate, and I believe chai. Why does this matter? Consistency. Your life will be forever changed by the creamy consistency this creates. They also used the little crushed ice cubes. I'm not sure where or why my love affair with this type of ice exists, but ain't no stopping me now!
My order is always the same. Iced Vanilla Americano. This is one time that size truly doesn't matter because this drink is good no matter how many ounces. You don't need to add cream, the powder doest all the work for you. It's not overly sweet like it would be with a syrup. I do recommend giving it a good stir because they don't always mix it well enough to get the whole drink ice cold.
I opted for the fruit cup in my most recent visit because I was hangry (that's angry because you're hungry, if you didn't know). It was super ripe and juicy!
Parking can be tricky, but you'll get to powdered euphoric flavor heaven eventually.