This is the only ophthalmology option on HPN HMO plan, which is probably why the wait is so long and the office staff are so rude! It is unreal that HPN, with the thousands of people in this town paying for this insurance only offers 1 ophthalmology option! My pediatrician referred my daughter to them for a visual disturbance- a medical diagnosis, my insurance approved this referral. I called to make an appointment and the woman who answered the phone, very rudely, informed me that they are too specialized to see my daughter for a visual disturbance and she ( the receptionist) is going to deny my referral because she (a receptionist that has never seen my daughter or gone to medical school) doesn't think it is medically necessary and told me I should just take her to an optometrist. I pay good money every month to keep my family insured and children's vision benefits are wrapped into their medical insurance until they are 19. My insurance won't pay for glasses or contacts or lasiks, but they most certainly will pay for the exam to diagnose this medical condition. If the doctor's don't like the reimbursement rate the insurance company pays them for these services they shouldn't sign the contract and agree to provide the care! I am so tired of being bullied by overzealous receptionists! If you have an insurance that gives you another ophthalmology option take it!