Edit: I lowered my rating from 3 stars to 2 after the bus ride from hell on Wednesday the 21st. You guys need to fire whatever bus driver was working the 7pm bus from Vegas to LA. This guy was driving sooooo fast, that every time he hit any type of dip on the freeway, it would cause the entire bus to lurch up and practically send the passengers flying up if their seats! He was weaving in and out of traffic and coming up behind cars and trucks so fast that I thought he would run into them. We were over an hour early due to his erratic driving. I mean, I like being early. But I don't enjoy being fearful and unsafe the entire ride!!
I take megabus to Vegas once a month. Only because it was about half the price of a ticket I could find on spirit airlines. First time I took it, it was $26! Not bad. Since then, it's risen (in 3 months) to about $60. Which is the price of a cheap spirit airlines ticket. Looks like airlines are the way to go!
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if the employees were nicer and there wasn't threats of fights happening by customers almost every trip. Mostly customers wanting to fight employees cause the employees at so rude!! They are a little bit nicer in LA. But when I leave Vegas it's almost a sh** show ever time. There's one lady who is always muttering insults under her breath about the customers, throwing the luggage around, arguing with customers and doesn't smile once. It's so obvious she hates her job. Get another job lady if your unhappy!! The others are decent or ok, one actually smiled and was polite to me today haha.
All in all, it's not so bad. I almost always get 2 seats to myself. Good for sleeping. And very convenient. I would gladly raise my rating of the employees were nicer and treated my stuff with respect and didn't huff and puff when I ask them anything. Good luck megabus!!