| - How ye mighty have fallen. Ingenuityfest had been an source of interactive art and technology exhibits, art installations, performances of art, music, film, even more niches like magic, dance, and vaudeville (some of which were experimental and would make you wonder: "what am I really seeing?" in a good way) for the last decade.
This year's Ingenuityfest was embarrassingly pathetic.
I arrived on Saturday night at 8:30pm. Before arriving, I was looking to find a descriptive schedule on the website and found a schedule on the website listing the events but they didn't have any descriptions. I eventually found them on a different page without the times listed by events.
I also noticed there was no mention of parking on the website but I was biking it in, so no big deal.
I chalked it up to some poor website design and thought this year would be as good as in the past.
And upon walking in. Wow. There was less than 12 total art installations. Just twelve. That's it! Remarkably fewer compared to years past. I walked around and asked myself, is this it?! There were probably more vendor booths (selling t-shirts, kitschy arts, food and even kitchen renovations) than exhibits/demonstrations !
At one point around 9:30PM, there was only one live performance going on. Just one! Other Logistics were horrible. The installations were quite spread out along the lake, north of the GLSC, within the port warehouse, its parking lot, and the Rock Hall but there no signs detailing where to go were posted. Lighting was quite poor in many parts.
It's a real shame for Cleveland how Ingenuityfest has deteriorated. Hopefully someone will take up a mantle to offer a great outdoor festival of all types of media and art that's accessible to high-brow and the public, because Ingenuityfest surely is no longer doing it.