I have never in my life been to a movie theater like this one. And I mean that as a compliment for this theater. It's HUGE, and because there's no one there, you get your own private showing (almost) of the movie. Or of one of 24 movies, because there are 24 screens! (Maybe this doesn't blow your mind, but I've mentioned in other reviews that I moved here from DC. There's not as much space in DC. We don't have movie theaters with 24 screens. I will never be the same.) It's all stadium-seating, and there is more space between the seats than I'm used to. I'm not giving it 5 stars because:
a) it feels WRONG to give AMC Theatres and the Phoenix Art Museum the same rating, and
b) I'm not sure what the standards are for movie theaters in general around here. They all look pretty new and large, and I imagine all the first-run theaters have stadium seating, right?
I need to get out more before I will have a definitive star-rating on this theater, but it's at least a 4. Good find!