The Centennial Hills Anytime Fitness is now EXPRESS FITNESS. If you have a current membership, you have an option to stay with Anytime Fitness or go with the new EXPRESS FITNESS. I personally encourage everyone to go with EXPRESS.
Why? Here are some reasons:
1-This Express Fitness location is almost 12 times larger than the Summerlin Anytime Fitness(the next closest location), and it's about 6-7 times larger than even the larger Anytime locations.
2-The owner(Stuart) is very hands on, and provides excellent customer service. I have never seen a living worker at any of the Anytime Fitness locations in the North West.
3-Anytime Fitness locations have crappy equipment from the 1980s, and the damn access card reader always malfunctions and locks me out of the club.
4-The most important reason to go with EXPRESS FITNESS: There are a ton of smoking hot chicks here.
As I write this review, I realize that I really gotta get back to the gym. I used to run 6-10 miles every morning and then go to the gym to workout for 2 more hours after work. My bodyfat used to hover around 4 to 6 percent. Now I gotta be somewhere in the 10% range and my 6 pack has turned into a piss awful 4-pack. You yelpers might actually see me here every night for the next couple of months. Personally, I think you people should feel very privileged to meet me in person since I'm so f*cking awesome....