I have been going to Bartlett Lake for years. A couple years ago I would have called it a diamond in the rough but sadly the diamond is gone. If you like to party, trash nature, and don't mind music and fireworks all night it may be the place for you but be aware gunshots are likely to follow fireworks and if you ask someone to turn their music down you could later be at the end of a barrel as my 16 year old son was. MCSO is all over the lake in the day time but good luck finding them patrolling at night. I drove far enough to get service to call and was told it was likely no one could respond as it was mid week. I passed deputies after about an hour when I had packed up camp, loaded the boat, had guns pointed at my kid and left. And this was not isolated. I have had terrible experiences the last four times I have stayed there. Fireworks, music, yelling, gunshots, you name it, it's there. I hope MCSO and the forest service start doing something about this and let the people that are there to enjoy nature actually enjoy it. Until then I'm moving on to another lake.