When I first moved to the Phoenix area I drove past this place a number of times thinking, "tourist trap where people from the Midwest pretend they're cowboys". I suppose that's partially true - hint to the guy from Chicago, black shoes, black over the calf socks, tan shorts, cowboy hat and creamy white legs isn't a good look on you or anyone else. I don't care how horny the toad is.
The first time I came here I had the pulled pork sandwich. It was OK but it wasn't great. It was a bit overcooked making it dry and the BBQ sauce tasted store bought. For my most recent visit I went for the BBQ chicken. Ah yes! this is the meal to order. It was very good. Tasty, moist, good flavor. Nice job!
The service is odd. It was busy and the wait staff were running around like crazy people. A positive is we were spared the "hi, my name is Suzy and I'll be your server" bit. What you get instead is - "OK, whatcha havin?" I'm OK with that in a place like this.
Not the best restaurant in the area, but a nice stop for a good meal and you've got to love the name (they sell tshirts).