| - There is an unfortunate amount of hate-on going for ol' Sam's, so I've decided to come to their (honest) rescue. First, let me give you some context:
1. This is not the place to come for authentic Chinese cuisine. Abort mission if that's your goal. Go somewhere with a name that you can barely understand.
2. This is not the place to come for personalized service and attention, especially not at 2am on a weekend. You will be treated like what you probably are - a starving drunk person just as likely to skip out on your bill as you are to vomit on their floor.
Seriously - these folks put up with a lot. A LOT. Can you imagine taking care of hundreds of drunken morons every single night for the entire weekend? It'd be like babysitting 100 children with ADHD who are also carrying loaded pistols and have an undeniable urge to hump on your white tablecloths. So I chose to cut them some slack.
3. I liken this to being the Denny's of Chinese food. It is greasy, unhealthy and oh-so-delicious. You love it while your eating it. You tell yourself it's the greatest meal you've ever had in your life and you want to marry it.
But in 15 minutes it's going to sit like a stone in your stomach and you will question every ounce of your judgment. If you can survive this brief period of remorse, your overall experience will come out on the positive.
4. On a diet? Yeah, no. Not for you.
Yes, I too have been part of the raucous crowd that convenes here late at night after a night out in the Beltline. I have slithered their noodles down my throat and I have savored the juices of their finest ginger beef. I literally can't imagine coming here for a sit down meal at any other time.
I've also come here for the lunch buffet - as take out. The place isn't quite as fun when the disco ball isn't a-glowin'. Now if you're a student, a cheapskate or a person in need of large quantities of food (as much as you can physically force into a styrofoam container) - this place is a great option come lunchtime. Just make sure you bring CASH. They get a bit ornery if you try to pay with Debit/Credit.
Pro tip: Stuff as much as you can into your styrofoam container and just hold it shut, even if it won't close naturally. You might get dirty looks, but I've never been yelled at - yet. Mmmmm, 5 pounds of Calgary's finest imitation Asian cuisine.
Is 4 stars probably pushing it? Yes. If I could I'd give them a 3.5. But as someone else mentioned, Calgary owes these fine folks a bit of thanks for giving us an option other than late night pizza or microwaved Alphaghetti.