I think this PF location is better than the others I've been to. It seems to have more machines, all of which are the newest offered by PF. I noticed the West Mifflin location has some older versions of similar machines. While my home gym is Edgewood, I prefer this location. I tried the hydro massage therapy bed for the first time on Sun and it was very relaxing. PF is a great gym for the money. The black card membership with all the extra benefits, as well as being to able to workout at any PF in the country for only $20/mo is an even better deal. The gym is often seen being thoroughly cleaned by staff which is reassuring that PF cares to maintain a standard of cleanliness. I've never seen this location very busy. There are plenty of cardio machines to accommodate. They also offer circuit training instruction, aerobics classes and personal training. They are open 24/7 unless otherwise noted for major holidays or other reasons. Join the "no judgement zone" today!