I had a Bucky Book coupon and went in there to get my oil changed. Normal Oil Change up sells but after my oil change I noticed a burning smell in my heating vents. I drove out of town one night and the next day after work I went back to the Super Lube and asked them to "double check" my filter and plug because I had crawled under my car the night before and saw drips of oil down my filter. The tech went under my car and quickly yelled "oh yeah this vehicle has a major oil leak, cant tell where its coming from but the filter and the plug are both tight." He then proceeded to say the front differential was also leaking terribly and even advised that I should "trade in my car."
The next day I scheduled an appt. with my normal mechanic and he looked at it and said that the only thing leaking was the oil filter because it was screwed on wrong and was leaking down the side and blowing back and causing a terrible burning smell in my car.
These guys are terrible, I would ask for a free oil change but its not worth it to even go in this place again. They couldn't touch my car with a ten foot pole.