Where to start, where to start. First, the food was terrible. My wife and I ordered the two meat platter-- ribs were burnt to a crisp and no meat the brisket wasn't awful. The sides-- cottage cheese and coleslaw-- were old and funky. Then there was the screaming kids at the tank with karaoke playing, loudly in the bar. Kids ordered pulled pork, which was dry as a bone, and popcorn shrimp, which was all breading.
Oh, then there was the old people next to us with the Irish Setter. Wth. The dog was whimpering and jumping up and down because of the shark tank. The table behind them was another group of old people. The table with the dog took the "ESA" dog and had it jump into the chair. They all laughed and laughed, took pictures.
People, leave the dogs at home!! Especially in a restaurant!! I'm really tired of people lying about their emotional support animals so they can bring them into restaurants and grocery stores. LEAVE THE DOGS AT HOME!!!