I wear my sunglasses at night!
Think that's what I'll do next time I show up! Minus the lenses so I can actually see haha! I totally dig Shady's! The name is not literal. A lot of hip and friendly young people around, and not that pretentious Jersey Shore - yo bro I'm like totally awesome and I'll get that girls number across that "baa". You go do that --- In any case Shady's doesn't have any windows. There's a pool table, fireplace, jukebox, and several comfortable couches; what can you ask for in a bar?
If you don't know I'm part of an AA group (Affordable Alcohol) - Shady's definitely has affordable alcohol! 8 drinks = $50 total, that's cheap in my opinion. Usually, I've paid at least $10 a glass for the stuff we were drinking. - Enjoy!