| - The day I first moved in , I was impressed at how clean looking the place was. A little bit more than a year later I am still in shock that we are still locked into a lease here. We live in the building right on the light rail (oh my gosh annoying) and the back security gates are rarely ever closed, meaning when I go to work in the early AM hours, I get to experience the awkwardness of disrupting dumpster divers and patio snoops. That's right...people from off the streets looking into your patio!
The security really do nothing to enforce any "safety" and the pool is always littered with beer cans and nasty wet clothes left behind. Also, the grill is almost always out of gas and caked with old burnt food from the idiots that use it before.
There have been more than a few times where I have been home by myself and someone will try turning my doorknob, or when I get home late at night there are "homeless people??" standing in the hallways asking i I can lend them money for gas or food. Freaky.
Also, I have had SERIOUS problems with getting my mail or notices from the Postal Service. I will get a call from someone asking if I got the package they sent me yet and when I go to the office to ask if I have one "Oh yeah, it's been sitting here for almost three weeks, sorry we forgot to give you your notice". Idiots.
It is not the "trendy-college life" they advertise. There are a lot of things left out when the staff give you the look-around. This place is dirty, unsafe, shady, and just not worth the $700 a month for a one bedroom. It is very easy to disguise all that is wrong when they are CONSTANTLY throwing parties and events for the residents. But seriously, don't move here...don't let your kids move here. Awful.