As far as No Frills locations go, this location is definitely one of the bigger ones in terms of square footage and selection. Due to the nearby Humber College population they have a lot of easy fox meal options (which is also handy for the working professional) and an assortment of niche ethnic items from Indian, Chinese, Thai, Italian and Mexican cuisine. Because of the ethnic makeup of south Etobicoke/Long branch, there's also certain Polish and Eastern European specialty items as well.
This would be a better review except for their inability to keep items in stock. Three out of four times, I'll go to do our groceries and most common produce and meat department items are out of stock with no chance for being refilled that day. I thought college students a lot of Ramen Noodles and rice, not chicken breast and baby spinach?
It's super frustrating, as I'm forced to get up super early on weekends now just to get the last of what I'm looking for.
Summary statement: Good location, not very good at managing inventory on more popular items.