If you love to cook look elsewhere, for starters if you note the picture of the kitchen there is no vent hood making it a project to cook a meal. They do not offer package receiving, I've had a package stolen so far nor is the community gated, a neighbor stated she had her car broken into.
The apartments were built over 30 years ago and in spite of the cosmetic changes the managing company has done little to none improvement on the structure, in spite of how clean my apartment is I find myself killing a cockroach at least once every two weeks apparently coming in from the skewed recessed light fixture in the bathroom and sadly I saw someone else stating this same cockroach problem on a review after I had moved in.
Now onto the management, the community was recently taken over by Robbins Property Associates and in my two years renting I had never encountered such bad treatment toward tenants in the previous apartment communities I've lived in. They're doing upgrades on the apartments while tenants are living there forcing them to live through a renovation and as if that wasn't enough it seems like every single communication towards tenants threatens to charge fees if we fail to comply with adjusting our living and work schedule around the renovations.
Coming home should be about feeling safe and relaxed but the fact is this property does not feel like home at all, there's no use in them spending millions to make the place look nice when they do not offer a safe environment nor peace of mind.