You can see my review of Dick's Hideaway to get more of an update on Richardson's. Dick's and Richardson's are the same restaurant with slightly different vibes - Richardson's is where I would prefer to be with a date (unless of course I'm able to get into the private dining room over at Dick's!).
The two restaurants are in the same strip center (Richardson's faces Bethany Home, while Dick's faces 16th Street) - it's pretty cool when the hostess takes you from one place to the other, she'll take you right through the kitchens (I don't know of many places that are proud, confident and bold enough to take patrons right through their kitchens - this says a LOT to me!!).
So, I've been talking about the restaurant itself - the food is incredible - have never had anything that I didn't just love - it's great New Mexico style cooking with a nuevo flair. I've taken many of my (less cultured ... i.e. gringo) friends - and they all flip out about the food!! Highly recommend.