| - This was my first time at this location, which happens to be the original Macayo's, and I couldn't help, but be reminded of the Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken...
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood (because the hostess was MIA)
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
... okay, sorry, so after entering and walking down the dimly light hallway you have the option to veer left or right. Right brings you into the bar area and left, to the dining area. In the middle is the hostess desk, (who probably took the road less traveled by) so I meandered into the dining room where I was I greeted by a friendly female waitress who helped me find my way to a table and later brought the menus.
I was waiting for the other two members of the party and since it was 11:30 am and I'm inbetween classes, I figured the White Cranberry Margarita sounded reasonable (its five o'clock somewhere!). It was a little bit salty, a little bit sweet, but all so sensual that I had to remind myself that there was alcohol in it so I could pace myself. The chips and salsa were fantastic (but really, how can anyone mess that up) to nosh on while the other party members arrived. The lunch specials here are pretty amazing and it does get crowded fast. I went for the lunch Mex and Match 1 item with 1 side for $6.99. I got a bean tostada with veggies. The veggies were a pleasant surprise, they were steamed but not doused in butter that most places seem to love to do. I just wish they would have thrown a little bit more on the plate. There were two pieces of broccoli, a few tiny pieces of carrots, and zucchini, but I get it...I'm at a Mexican joint. Everyone else loved their dishes and the service was quick, but attentive. I would definitely come back.